
Showing posts from 2019

Climate Apartheid Is Upon Us

“Climate change is, among other things, an unconscionable assault on the poor.”   Climate  change and human rights go hand in hand, a reality the world is recognizing at its 11th hour. Large-scale natural disasters now occur  once weekly and forced migration is increasingly a part of international policy discussion. It is no longer possible to ignore climate change or label it a problem for future generations. Climate change already causes suffering worldwide, and its impacts will not be slowed without swift, robust action. “Although climate change has been on the human rights agenda for well over a decade, it remains a marginal concern for most actors. Yet it represents an emergency without precedent and requires bold and creative thinking from the human rights community” said UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Philip Alston, who released a landmark report on June 25.  Regarding climate change outlook, Alston wrote in no uncertain...