10 top tips for listening and making notes

making notes

Did you note everything down?

Well done! You've nearly reached the end of this unit. At the bottom of this page you can find links to more useful study skills materials.
But before we finish, let's review what we've learned about listening and taking notes. Check to see if you identified all ten tips!
  • Prepare before you listen – gather information; read relevant course materials. You can research key words and phrases in advance so you're ready!
  • Don't try to write down everything that you hear – decide what's really useful and what you can leave out.
  • Use abbreviations to save space – things like UN for 'United Nations', AKA for 'Also Known As', and ASAP for 'As Soon As Possible'.
  • Use symbols like = and + to show relationships – they're quick and clear.
  • Mind maps, flowcharts, colours and capital letters can all be useful when taking notes – find the style that's right for you!
  • Don't fill the page with words! Leave some white space so you can add to your notes later if you need to include more information or clarify things.
  • Make sure your notes are clear: are you writing down a fact or opinion - and how do you know? Include sources so you can check things carefully.
  • If there's a handout for the lecture, use it to help you organise your notes.
  • When you've finished taking your notes, make sure you re-read them afterwards. This helps keep the information in your memory.
  • Finish off by rewriting your notes – this is an even better way to make sure you remember things!


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